Stockpile é um jogo de tabuleiro econômico que combina a estratégia tradicional de mercado de ações de comprar na baixa e vender na alta com vários mecanismos adicionais para criar uma experiência interativa, envolvente e de ritmo acelerado.
Em Stockpile, os jogadores agem como investidores do mercado de ações no final do século 20 na esperança de ficar rico, e o investidor com mais dinheiro no final do jogo é o vencedor. Stockpile centra-se na ideia de que ninguém sabe tudo sobre o mercado de ações, mas todos sabem alguma coisa. No jogo, essa filosofia se manifesta de duas maneiras: informação privilegiada e negociação de ações.
Primeiro, os jogadores recebem informações privilegiadas a cada rodada. Esta informação determina como o valor de uma ação mudará no final da rodada. Ao saber em particular se uma ação vai subir ou descer, cada jogador tem a chance de agir à frente do mercado comprando ou vendendo no momento certo.
Em segundo lugar, os jogadores compram suas ações dando lances em pilhas de cartas chamadas pilhas de ações. Essas pilhas de ações conterão uma mistura de cartas com face para cima e para baixo colocadas por outros jogadores no jogo. Dessa forma, ninguém saberá todas as cartas da pilha de ações. Nem todas as cartas são boas também. As taxas de negociação podem corromper as pilhas, fazendo com que os jogadores paguem mais do que o lance ofertado. Ao colocar ações e outras cartas em leilão, o Stockpile catalisa a interação do jogador, especialmente quando os lucros potenciais de informações privilegiadas estão em jogo.
Ambos os mecanismos são combinados com alguns elementos do mercado de ações para fazer com que os jogadores considerem vários fatores ao vender uma ação. Você mantém uma ação na esperança de conseguir um desdobramento lucrativo ou vende agora para evitar a possível falência da empresa? Você pode manter suas ações até o final do jogo para se tornar o acionista majoritário ou precisa da liquidez do dinheiro agora para lances futuros? Você arrisca tudo investindo pesadamente em uma empresa ou mitiga seu risco diversificando seu portfólio?
No final, todo mundo sabe alguma coisa sobre o mercado de ações, então tudo se resume à execução da estratégia. Você será capaz de navegar com segurança pelos movimentos do mercado de ações? Ou seus investimentos serão prejudicados por previsões ruins?
Número de jogadores: 2 - 5
Duração do jogo: 31 mn
Complexidade: 2 / 5
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Jogue Stockpile e 952 outros jogos online.
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Sumário de Regras
Stockpile is a fast-paced economic game of corporate investments, insider trading, and market manipulation. Each player acts as a private investor with the goal of amassing the greatest net worth. The player with the most money at the end of the game wins.
Playing The Game
Stockpile is played over 5-7 rounds, depending on the number of players. Each round consists of six phases:
- Information Phase
- Supply Phase
- Demand Phase
- Action Phase
- Selling Phase
- Movement Phase
During each phase, play begins with the player with the First Player Token and continues clockwise.
Information Phase
During the Information Phase, each player receives insider information in the form of a Company Card and a Forecast Card. Each player should look at their Company and Forecast Cards and keep them hidden from other players. The two cards are paired together to indicate a future change to a particular company's stock value. The actual change of the stock value takes place at the end of the round during the Movement Phase.
One pair of Company and Forecast Cards is public information (No public pairs exist in a 2P game). Both pairs of cards (the insider information and public information) should be used to make decisions during the Demand Phase and Selling Phase.
All 6 company's stock values will be impacted every round by a Forecast Card.
In the base game, the 6 Forecast Cards are all different. The Forecast Cards include: -3, -2, $$, +1, +2, +4. These values are also listed on the Player Board.
Supply Phase
One card is placed from the Market Deck face-up onto each Stockpile. These cards could be shares of company stock, trading fees, or action cards.
Each player is dealt two cards from the Market Deck.
In turn order, each player places one card face-up and one card facedown on the Stockpile(s) of their choice.
Demand Phase
Players take turns bidding on Stockpiles until each Stockpile has only one Bidding Meeple on it.
Players pay their bids, collect all cards, and pay any trading fees. Trading fees range between $1,000 - $3,000.
Stock cards are kept hidden in a player's stock portfolio.
Action Phase
In turn order, players use all Action Cards acquired during the Demand Phase. Action Cards may move a stock's value by +2 or -2.
Selling Phase
In turn order, players may sell any number of stocks that they own and receive money from the supply equal to their current value. When selling a split stock, you may choose to sell one or both of its shares.
Movement Phase
All pairs of Company Cards and Forecast Cards are revealed and the stock values move accordingly, taking into account stock splits and bankruptcy.
- Stock Split - If a stock’s value ever increases to more than 10, the stock splits. A stock split effectively doubles your existing shares for that stock. When a stock splits, all players who have stock of that type in their portfolio will reveal it and move it to their Split Portfolio face-down. If the increase causes the stock’s value to land exactly on the Stock Split space, then the value of the stock returns to 6. If the stock’s increase would move the value further than the Stock Split space, reset the value of the stock to 6 and continue to increase the stock’s value.
- IMPORTANT: Any new stock obtained after the stock split goes in a player’s regular Stock Portfolio, not the Split Portfolio. If a player already owns a stock in his Split Portfolio and that stock splits again later in the game, then that player receives $10,000 in Currency Cards for each Stock Card of that type in their Split Portfolio. The stock then remains in the Split Portfolio.
- Bankruptcy - If a stock’s value ever moves below 1 on a turn, it immediately goes bankrupt. All players discard all stock of that kind that they own, including any stocks in their Split Portfolio. Return the stock’s price to the starting value of 5.
The Forecast Cards with $$ indicates a $2,000 dividend for each share that a player owns and elects to show.
Round End
Advance the Round Marker and pass the First Player Token clockwise to the next player.
Game End
At the end of the game, players will reveal all of the stock cards in their portfolio and perform the following steps:
- Determine majority shareholders. A majority shareholder is the player with the most stock in any company. The majority shareholders of each company receive a bonus of $10,000. If there is a tie, all tied players receive $5,000. Reminder: Shares in player’s Split Portfolios count as double when determining majority shareholders.
- Sell all stock at final values. Each player then sells their shares to the bank at a price equal to the final value of the stock. Reminder: Any shares in players’ Split Portfolios count as double.
- Total each player’s currency. Add up each player’s money, including any Currency Cards on hand.
The player(s) with the most money wins.
2P Variant
It's suggested to play Stockpile at least once with more than two players before trying the 2-Player Variant. The 2-player variant plays similar to a 4-player game. However, there a few changes to the round’s phases. These can be round in the rules here: