#121841: "Make the framework more flexible as to what happens when someone leaves/quits a game"
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Descrição detalhada
• Por favor copie e cole a mensagem de erro que aparece na tela, se possível.
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Por favor explique o que queria fazer, o que fez e o que aconteceu
• Qual navegador você está usando?
Google Chrome v124
• Por favor copie/cole o texto em inglês em vez de sua língua. Se tiver uma captura de ecrã/tela deste problema (boa prática), pode usar Imgur.com para carregá-la e copiar/colar o endereço aqui.
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Este texto está disponível no sistema de traduções? Se sim, foi traduzido há mais de 24 horas?
• Qual navegador você está usando?
Google Chrome v124
• Por favor, explique sua sugestão precisamente e de forma concisa, de forma que fique o mais fácil possível, entender o que você quer dizer.
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Qual navegador você está usando?
Google Chrome v124
• O que estava presente na tela quando você estava bloqueado (tela em branco? Parte da imagem do jogo? Mensagem de erro?)
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Qual navegador você está usando?
Google Chrome v124
• Que parte das regras não foi respeitada pela adaptação do BGA?
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• A violação de regras está visível na revisão do jogo? Se sim, em que número de jogada?
• Qual navegador você está usando?
Google Chrome v124
• Qual era a ação de jogo que queria fazer?
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• O que você tentou fazer para provocar esta ação de jogo?
• O que aconteceu quando tentou fazer isto(mensagem de erro, mensagem na barra de estado do jogo)?
• Qual navegador você está usando?
Google Chrome v124
• Em que passo do jogo ocorre o problema(qual era a instrução corrente do jogo)?
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• O que aconteceu quando tentou fazer essa ação de jogo (mensagem de erro, mensagem na barra de estado do jogo)?
• Qual navegador você está usando?
Google Chrome v124
• Por favor descreva o problema de visualização. Se tiver uma captura de ecrã/tela deste problema (boa prática), pode usar Imgur.com para carregá-la e copiar/colar o endereço aqui.
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Qual navegador você está usando?
Google Chrome v124
• Por favor copie/cole o texto em inglês em vez de sua língua. Se tiver uma captura de ecrã/tela deste problema (boa prática), pode usar Imgur.com para carregá-la e copiar/colar o endereço aqui.
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Este texto está disponível no sistema de traduções? Se sim, foi traduzido há mais de 24 horas?
• Qual navegador você está usando?
Google Chrome v124
• Por favor, explique sua sugestão precisamente e de forma concisa, de forma que fique o mais fácil possível, entender o que você quer dizer.
Currently, when someone quits a game or is booted from a game, the other players no longer compete with each other.
And from what the devs of various games are saying, there is nothing they can do about it.
I would love for the framework to have more flexibility in this regard.
The default behavior would be as currently but devs would be allowed to create game specific behavior.
Whether those behaviors would be fully custom or would have to be chosen between a fixed set of possibilities or would be custom but have to adhere to some common principles remain to be decided.
For precise suggestions as to what could be possible and for discussions on the subject, go here:
• Qual navegador você está usando?
Google Chrome v124
Histórico do relatório
In Heat, some players that see they can't come back to other players and will lose the game voluntary quit game.
First, we wait for them that their counter comes to -20 seconds, but WORST, our race is totally perverted and we don't win points desearved §
In my last 3 races, 1 player decided voluntary to quit because he saw he couldn't win, and when I finally won the race, I was awarded by only +1 ELO point !!!!!
3 win, +3 points only because of quitters !
And even RED THUMBing is not enough for them to continue (see their history).
Adicione alguma coisa para este relatório
- Outro ID de mesa / ID de jogada
- Carregar em F5 resolveu o problema?
- O problema aparece várias vezes? Sempre? Imprevisivelmente?
- Se tiver uma captura de ecrã/tela deste problema (boa prática), pode usar Imgur.com para carregá-la e copiar/colar o endereço aqui.