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Atividade Recente

Sobre Hanabi - No double finesse conventions

This is a set of conventions based on a simple rule which doesn't allow 'double blind plays finesse' on the same person.

This mean, if A clues red on r3 (as a play clue) to C. B can't assume r1+r2 since it's two cards.
If A clues red on r3 (as a play clue) to D, and if C got r2 in finesse position, B can assume r1 since it's one card.
If B got a saved 2 card, and if A clues red (as a play clue) on r3 to C, B can assume r1+r2 since it's not unlikely he got a r2 saved. So he need to play only one 'blind play'.

You will tell me, why doing that? This red on r3 seem fine.
But it's just unlikely you got r1+r2 on your hand.
If you play without that, it open many places for others kind of conventions, like answering by the chop/by slot 2, or just saving a 3 since it can't be a double self finesse, etc...

If this group work, it will be heavily conventionnal.

Feel free to discuss or gave opinion about that way of thinking.

Some of the discussions I will put on this group will be as a 'probabilty pov', just for the fun.

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