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Atividade Recente

Sobre 2024 Beat Kat

2024 Beat Kat at some games!

Kat has likes to learn and play games, but that doesn’t mean she plays them well. Beating Kat will actually be easy, beating all the others will be the challenge. Play one or play them all.

Games for 2024 are Swiss system, turn based, 64 players. 2 player games will have 9 matches and 3 + player games 5 matches. All games will be set for maximum time. Please skip people who have gone over time 2 days unless they have asked for an extension. Please tell the others at your table if you think you might go over time.

Game options change month to month so make sure to check the setting for each game.

A lot of thought has gone into my game selection. With different complexity and different types of games. If you need an invite message me. to find my games type in "beat kat" in the tournament search bar.
2024 games will be 7 Wonders Architects, Ark Nova, Boomerang: Australia, Bunny Kingdom, Butterfly, Buttons, Can't Stop, Chakra, CuBirds, Downforce, Forest Shuffle, Gizmos, Hadara, Koi koi, LLAMA, Lost Seas, Martian Dice, Next Station: London, Nova Luna, Patchwork, Potion Explosion, Railways of the World, Sagani, Thurn and Taxis, the Builders Antiquity, Ticket to Ride, Trek 12, Treakking the World, Yahtzee, and Yokohama.

The more often you play the higher your score will be at the end of the year when I will post the top 10 scores for each game.

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